Adiego Hnos. offers its clients an optimised and competitive service of extraction, transport and integral management of waste (Hazardous and Non-Hazardous), fully guaranteeing its traceability, and adhering to the most rigorous of quality, safety and environmental procedures.

gestion de residuos peligrosos



Technical and manual demolitions:

Our technical team offers solutions to resolve any type of demolition.

Dismantling of structures including the recuperation and recycling of material. Demolitions through manual and mechanical means.

desmontaje de fibrocemento

Asbestos removal:

In this context and given the worry that this field generates socially, Adiego Hnos. considers the main objectives to be the following:

Provide a fast and effective service.

Client discretion is paramount.

Health, safety and hygiene within the working conditions.

Respect the environment.

In order to achieve our objectives, we carry out the dismantling, elimination and dumping of asbestos waste in accordance with the current legislation.

We rely on a highly qualified team, giving solutions to each and every type of problem or activity related to asbestos. We also have at our disposal other services, ranging from technical consulting and feasible studies, to the implementation of asbestos removal.

Moreover, we stay in constant and fluid contact with the different health centres and environmental departments within each autonomous community.



The Environmental Division within ADIEGO Hnos, S.A. specialises in the management and transport of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, the research and remediation of contaminated soil and the implementation of civil engineering projects.

The services we provide, and our clients’ requisites are of our highest priority. Simultaneously, we adhere to the legal requirements and all applicable regulations.

Furthermore, we assume and understand our responsibility and commitment to the environment, looking for alternatives, products or practises, that allow us to continuously improve. Moreover, at the same time, controlling, reducing and avoiding, whenever possible, the polluting of the environment without forgetting various fundamental principles such as protecting the lives, integrity and health of all workers involved, both our own and those of collaborating companies.

Objectives and Commitments

Thus, The Environmental Division Management within ADIEGO Hnos, S.A., has decided to adopt an Environmental Management System (UNE-EN-ISO 14001) and an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OHSAS 18001), geared towards the following objectives and commitments:

•To protect the environment, including avoiding pollution and other specific and applicable commitments in the context of the organisation.

•To guarantee, on an ongoing basis, the fulfilment of the applicable legal requisites and other voluntary requirements with the environment and the dangers for OSH.

•Provide a framework of reference to establish, review and continuously adapt the Systems, Environmental Objectives and Occupational Safety and Health for the purpose of evaluating its efficiency and its continuous adaptation to the previously established requisites.

•Establish prevention measures against pollution and harm or deterioration to one’s health, minimising consumption, waste and emissions.

•Involve and motivate the workforce towards the goal of having them participate in the management and development of the implemented Management Systems.

•Provide information and training to the workers concerning the risks involved within the workplace.

Fully committed to this policy

The Environmental Division’s Management authorises the distribution of this Policy and is committed to, promotes and supports any effort made towards complying with it.

In order for this Policy to be understood by the entire workforce, The Environmental Division’s Management within ADIEGO Hnos, S.A, informs and distributes a copy to all those who form part of the Management Systems. Likewise, copies can be found on display at different points throughout the plant to inform third parties.

This Policy is maintained and updated through the Management Systems revisions that are carried out by the Environmental Division’s Management in ADIEGO Hnos, S.A.

In Adiego Hnos., we promote and fully support complying with the environmental policy and the OSH Act (Occupational Safety and Health)